"PERSONAL TRAINER TO YOUR FAVORITE CELEBS. ATHLETE, MOTIV8OR AND INNOVATOR OF ALL THINGS HEALTH AND FITNESS." I haven't always been B.Motiv8ed. There was a long period of my life previous to working with the likes of Jennifer Lopez, The Game, Prince Royce, 5th Harmony and plenty of other entertainers. Before social media, I was just a kid named Brandon. A Los Angeles native, born and raised on the West Coast. I started my fitness journey at 21 years old. 127lbs of skin and bone, plagued by poor health choices and poorer life decisions. Life is all about choices. I made a choice to make a change; a choice to be stronger, a choice to live healthier, a choice to be happier. It is now my job to help you, your family, your friends and your favorite celebrities and entertainers make and act upon that same choice."
"The results of this decision: " Certified Personal Trainer to a growing list of celebrities
- Adidas sponsored athlete
- Motivational speaker and spreader of positivity
- Social media influencer using my platform to assist others in being the absolute best version of themselves"
“There is no yesterday or tomorrow. There is only now. B.More, B.Come More, B.Motiv8ed.”